Thursday, December 12, 2013

  Blog Response: Switched at birth

The radio Podcast I decided to listen to was an American Podcast about two children who were switched at birth by accident. The interesting thing about it however was the difference between the two families whose babies were switched at birth. How the story plays out redefines at least personally to me, how genetics vs parents influence effects what a person is like in life.

Growing up, I have always thought a parents influence and the experiences someone goes through in life is what shapes and molds a kid into what they’re like in life. For example, people like the columbine shooters who were driven angry enough to shoot up the whole school did that because of the experiences they went through in life. Whether it was the parents not being there for them, or kids bullying them in school. I thought it was the same with the Virginia Tech shooter. He was driven to do that because of his experiences in life.

One of the families that the babies were switched with was an extremely religious, strict, sort of awkward family, where as the other family was a totally social family, completely opposite as the other one.

The difference with this particular case however is that the child growing up into the religious, very strict, stoic, family, turned out to be an extremely social person who was into cheerleading, even with the parents not at all being that way. The other child grew up turning out to be completely awkward and quiet; the way his family was. To me, it completely changes this idea of Behaviorism that I have always followed growing up.

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